Emotional Freedom Techniques

For stress management, improving your happiness, health, personal growth and healing, or offloading past troubling memories or trauma, Lareen uses the highly effective complementary therapy of EFT Tapping. This is a practical technique that calms your mind, body and emotions and which has a strong scientific evidence base.

Working like “acupuncture-without-needles”, EFT is a self-applied acupressure method. This gentle process relieves stress and body tension, and as the body and mind relax it also allows negative emotions and limiting beliefs to transform and release. EFT is easy at the basic levels and you can learn simple EFT self-care too. Once your mind and body have released tension, your mind can adjust with greater clarity too.

If, like Lareen, you love to read the research papers, meta-analyses and RCTs behind alternative therapies, click here for Lareen's page about EFT research!

Try some Tapping With Lareen right now

"Releasing Irritation"

Guided Tapping With Lareen

Tap along with this FREE AUDIO for just 10 minutes to take the edge off some of your current irritation!

Steps to Emotional Freedom


Often we have negative feelings or limiting blocks but don't know where they came from or what triggers them. Sometimes it's bad memories we thought we'd gotten over that are still stewing. You don't need to know - EFT clears the layers, like unwrapping a pass-the-parcel, to eventually find Happy You in the middle!


Even in your first session, Lareen focuses on a goal that will mean you leave feeling how EFT works already. You won't fix all your problems and totally declutter in one go - that's like expecting to get really fit in just one or two gym visits - but over some sessions you'll progressively lower your stress and clear blocks to feeling better.


"Think positively" is the new catch-cry. But it often means you ignore how you really feel and what you really think. And it's a struggle to use willpower to work against how you really feel underneath. Or to use your mind to change your mind. EFT acknowledges your emotions and works with them.

If you're wondering, Lareen uses these EFT forms...

Gold Standard EFT - as taught originally by Gary Craig. This is the EFT taught in Lareen's EFT Training Courses. This is an evidence-based clinical approach.

Optimal EFT / Unseen Therapist - Gary Craig's new more spiritual advancement of EFT

Identity Healing with EFT - for Inner Child work and core beliefs

Doodle Tapping - an art tapping approach for complex issues

And other EFT Tapping gentle techniques such as Tearless Trauma

Addressing Emotions Not Logic!

Even though you probably cannot change your work or home situation, you are no doubt someone who tries to find solutions with Logic or better Time Management. In fact what's usually the problem are our Emotional responses which researchers now suggest drive 95% of our behaviours. You may also have negative self-talk, which dominates 80% of most people's thinking. But it doesn't have to be this way!

In today's busy world, many women don't have time to deal with their emotions or things that have happened, so they ignore them, stuff them down, and soldier on. These emotions and unresolved experiences then whirr round and round in the background, contributing more to your stressload and draining your energy. Eventually you wonder why you feel so exhausted; maybe you are even suffering burnout or chronic fatigue, or are heading fast in that direction. Perhaps your physical health is not the best either.

EFT Tapping allows you to pause and acknowledge what's happening, to be honest with yourself about how you really feel, to process your emotional and body responses. This regulates your vagus nerve and brings your emotional brain and your logical brain into balance.

EFT helps you take back your power to gain more emotional freedom from the things that are holding you back - even things that have been that way all or most of your life! You'll feel calmer, clearer and find renewed hope! This is not talk therapy - even though we talk about the issue to focus you while we tap, the tapping is releasing blocked energies and thoughts from your BODY as well as your mind and spirit. This is why it is effective for clearing trauma which is encoded in the body and not encoded through language.

Why work with a [ractitioner

or train in EFT yourself?

The basics of EFT Tapping can be done by anyone anywhere anytime for self-guided stress relief (Self-Help EFT). However, accredited Advanced EFT Practitioners like Lareen are qualified to use Clinical EFT which is much more advanced and helps you gain the benefits of EFT more quickly and more profoundly.

Clinical EFT also helps clear more challenging or persistent stress issues, even lifelong emotional baggage and past traumas which still have unresolved emotions. While all EFT is highly effective and relatively fast, that can also mean beginners quickly get themselves too deeply into intense emotions or old traumas that they don't know how to handle; then they think EFT does not work for them.

Lareen can help you in private sessions, groups or workshops, face-to-face or online. Or she can teach you to use EFT for yourself and others in her official EFT Training Courses. As a skilled and experienced practitioner and grainer, Lareen keeps you safe and guides you to not only release and clear your current stress in your mind and body, but also to find the underlying causes of your problem towards more lasting Emotional Freedom. Have a look at the testimonials to find out how Lareen's helping women like you.

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0490 225 996


Tapping Into Serenity

Glenalta (Adelaide)

South Australia